Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry X-mas Everyone!

What the title says, yo! Check back in the next week for updates and announcements!

Till then, Nog it!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Welcome to the revised P:C site!

Over the course of the past year I've found it difficult to continuously update my site with information and projects. I used a very clunky system and found that even if I wanted to dash off a little update that it would take hours to complete.

Also I noticed the steady demise of the forum I created for the site as a meeting area for like minded customizers. I myself am not a great forum moderator, much less a member. I personally have found that forums tend to circle round to tedious topics (top ten lists and the like) or they "flame out" and have a mass exodus. Due to this reduced interest in the P:C forums I have closed down that section my site.

I've decided to take a more personal approach to my site and think that the blog format would work the best in this case. I will provide updates and snippets now at a more regular pace, and people can still leave comments for discussion.

The website will eventually change and evolve over the course of the next few months. Nothing drastic, and the one thing you can always rely on is that I will always strive for nothing less than my personal best.

Thanks again!