Friday, April 06, 2007

New Updates!

Hello all!

Just a quick recap on the goings on here at Project:Custom

- ToyFare 117 is now on the shelves, and it contains not only Immortus & Spider-Man 2009 in the Twisted ToyFare Theater, but also a Customizing 101 written by yours truly! Click the links to check them out!

- The Mego pattern is up and can be snagged here. Sorry for the delay.

- The great display project is well underway! I wanted to focus on 2 types of displays : an urban setting for the Marvel Legends figures and a JLA space station type for the DC Direct figures.

The urban setting was fulfilled by using a 1994 Spawn Alley playset. This 3 tier playset was perfect as it had a small footprint and was built for the 6" figure scale. I picked this up from eBay for a song and it seems to be the best gritty backdrop I could find. I added a couple of lightposts from the Spider-Man Movie figure dioramas and it came together beautifully if I do say so myself!

It took a few days to pose and place the figures, with my focus on having the entire thing filled with a type of frozen kinetic. Kind of like a George Perez group action cover with action figures.

Click on the pictures below to see the results!

The JLA version is still bein constructed, but I am pretty stoked with the preliminary results, including fiber optic light up control panels and mini LCD panel with cycling images / movies! It will be like a Mego playset from the future!

I managed to snag the components that i was looking for (thanks to all who answered the call!)

I only need one final piece : a DC Direct JSA WildCat action figure! If you have one and want to trade / sell, contact me here and let me know!
