Saturday, March 22, 2008

And lo, through the darkness came a posting....

Howdy everyone!

Normally this is the part where I apologize for being late and that I want to post on a more regular basis...yadda yadda yadda. Anyway, here's the good word from my busy corner of the street:

- Created some wicked awesome new customs! Included in these are a Mego style Beast, The Jackal and a new ToyFare commission of Nova! Click on the links or the pictures below to see their gallery entries!

- Interesting to note that the customs of Beast & The Jackal above were part of the artistic cultural exchange that I have going on with Art Baltazar of Tiny Titans fame (if you haven't bought it yet, you should! Keep my man Art in green!). For the two hand crafted beauties above, he is preparing a widescreen painting of the Justice League to go with my Firestorm!
Can't hardly wait to get it!

Here's a work in progress shot:

- There's a new ToyFare article featuring my customs! Click here to check it out!

- Finally I did some routine site touch ups, making sure that links were working and images were showing up.

Well I'm off, but who knows, you might here from me again very soon!

Or maybe not....

Soon, that is. You'll hear from me again regardless....

I hope!