Thursday, April 23, 2009

Excitement in the air! ~Teaser~

Hi everyone,

Stuff is brewing in the background and I'm in the process of putting together some pretty exciting things for the next few weeks.

I've got a project that encompasses a "toyline that never was" for a client. There will be pictures of this rather ambitious project online soon, and I think it's one of the coolest I've done yet. In fact, I think I'll even enter into the August CustomCon 09 (if they'll have me).

I have also finished off the final version of my long in development M3A figure type. Some of the shortcomings of the previous version have been corrected and the results are solid. The form is more filled out and the articulation is even better than the previous incarnation. In fact, the new head/neck system should prove to be very flexible (in more ways than one).

I've got the inclination to try and have these professionally manufactured, and I'm currently exploring some avenues to having these made. I'm collecting quotes and soliciting various domestic and overseas injection moulding houses to see who can product the best quality while not breaking my modest piggy bank. (If any of our faithful readers has a suggestion of a good, cost effective, and reliable production house, please feel free to drop me a line in the comments section!) I'll post more on the process as it develops.

Keep this spot warm......