Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gah...Home Improvement / Selling / Chaos Theory

Well, it finally came to the point where my wife and I decided to bite the bullet and look for some new digs. A couple of weeks back we thought we had found a place and went crazy starting to make plans. Renovate the current space to maximize the resell value, get a realtor, get our place listed...etc.

Sadly the deal for the new place fell through (a weird scenario if there ever was one, but a tale to be told later), but we had already gotten the wheels in motion, so it was hard to stop. The realtor came in an gave us his opinions about what work might need to be done and we started painting and fixing.

You may be asking yourself at this point "what the hell does this have to do with action figure customizing?"

Well, it seems that my lair / work area / man cave in the space wasn't conducive to making the condo look attractive to new buyers. Basically it looked too geeky and cluttered, and it had to go.

So after about 2 weeks of cleaning, packing and putting stuff into storage, my poor ex-workshop looks plain and stripped of any sense of fanboyish pride. *sniff*

But don't cry for me Argentina, for the new place (wherever it may be) has been mandated to provide a bigger and better space to continue my research! We shall rise again!

Now, where does that put the current projects? The Ghostbusters project is still on track (have no fears Rick-E!) and the M3 revisions will be posted soon. It just means that I have to lug out any equipment on an as needed basis from storage and return it there when done. Infinitely more hassle, but I'm hoping the delayed gratification of the grander space will make up for this momentary pain in the ass.

The workshop here has provided a safe haven for creativity for the last 6 years, and I'm looking forward to setting up shop in my soon-to-be-digs-to-be-named-later.
