Wednesday, September 12, 2012

And We're Back....

Well hello there!  Nice to see you again!

I know it's been quite a while between our visits, but it seems like no time has passed at all.  I suggest you get yourself a drink, and I'll fill you in on what's been happening since we last talked.  Personally, I've had some roadblocks recently lifted that have allowed me to reapply myself to these endeavors, and hopefully increase in some forward momentum on various fronts.

A lot's been going on, so make yourself comfortable and let's dive in!

Project:Custom's Indiegogo Campaign:

This is one of the most exciting things we've started cooking up here!  As I started to re-energize these projects, it occurred to me that there are some key pieces of equipment that we could benefit from.  To that end, we began our crowd funding campaign to help us in acquiring a few of them: an ABS 3D Printer, a 3D Laser Scanner, a RotoCasting machine, new raw materials, etc.

In exchange we've cooked up a few awesome campaign perks for anyone that's looking to participate in our fund drive.  Pop on over to our Indiegogo campaign page and check out what all the hub-bub is about.  Click on the image link below and if you can help out, it would be greatly appreciated!

Project:Custom's Facebook Page

We've established a new fanpage on Facebook!  We'll be posting updates and latest news first on that page that will be summarized here on a regular basis.  If you want to be among the first to hear of our new developments make sure to stop on by and "Like" our page!

Project:Custom's Etsy Store

I'm working towards revamping our store and inventory, and moving the sales portion over to our newly established Etsy store.  The store can be accessed directly through the Project:Custom Facebook page, or directly at the link below!  Come on over and check it out!

The Hand of the King

As you've probably seen on any of the other sites above, one of the projects we completed recently was a 1:1 replica Hand of the King prop from HBO's Game of Thrones series.  We're pretty proud of this one and you read all about it in our Etsy shop!

Vinyl Cutter & Decals

Our most recent equipment acquisition was a vinyl cutter / plotter, and we've already started to put it to good use!  This baby is great in creating decals for indoor and outdoor use, and we're in the process of coming up with creative ideas for geeky statements.  Our first selections have been put online in our Etsy store, and we are open to taking commissions in creating customized decals!  Feel free to contact us for more details.

Coming Soon!

Now that Project:Custom is getting back on it's feet, look towards seeing updates on the following developments:

  • Ghost Rider : This one is for an 8" Ghost Rider commission, with all new headsculpt!
  • Rocketeer Helmet : We're working on a 1:1 full scale helmet from The Rocketeer with film specific wall display!
  • Mass Effect : P:C will be dipping it's toe into the prop pool with full size replicas of pistols from the Mass Effect game series!
  • 12" Figures and Displays : We've been working on a brand new display for the 6" figures, as well as diorama environments for our new 12" collection!
  • More Cool Decals!
  • More Cool Props!

Whew!  Well, that's it for now.  I want to thank you for sticking with us, not only till the end of this post, but also during our time away.

I really appreciate your patience, and look forward to bringing you even cooler projects in the future!
