Friday, November 16, 2007

The Story So Far....

Hello everyone,

Sorry for the delay between posts, but there have been some interesting developments that have got in the way of completing regular posts. Trust me though, some great work has been done and there have been some cool developments. So without further ado:
  • New Job - One of the more interesting things that has happened as of late was my movement to a new company and new position. I had been dissatisfied with my previous employer and was looking for a change, and this opportunity came at the right time. One of the cooler aspects of this job is that my office is located in THE BAXTER BUILDING:
That's right, I have offices on the third floor of the Marine Building in Vancouver, BC. This building was the Baxter Building in both FF movies and the Daily Planet in Smallville. One of the great things is that the lobby is full of fantastic art deco accents and architecture.
  • New Action Figure Display - For months I have been planning and designing a complimentary DC display to match the Urban figure display that I had set up a few months ago. Finally the time and funds were available to proceed and I constructed it. Taking it's cue from the old Mego playsets, this display incorporates a live LCD display, LED spot and running lights and a multi-tiered stage in a slick & glossy package. Click on the link above to see the feature on it!

Cool story behind the Super Skrull custom. This was a commission from Art Baltazar of Patrick the Wolf Boy and Tiny Titans fame. He was kind enough to create a one of a kind painting for me in exchange for bringing one of his favorite Marvel baddies to life in all of it's Mego style glory. In exchange for this service, Art presented me with his bad ass version of Firestorm in his own electrifying style! Check out the shot below for this prized piece that has a place of honor on my wall, and click on the link above to see The Super Skrull!

  • New Twisted ToyFare Theatre - There are some new pages from current TTT episodes up! Of special note is the article they did on ToyFare's top 10 custom figures used in TTT. Hmm...I wonder if any of mine made the cut? Click on the link to find out!
Well, that's it for now. I know I'll promise to write again soon and only break your heart, but you know I love you, don't you baby? I'd never hurt you on purpose, please forgive me and let's let bygones be bygones..(Turns on Barry White, and as Art B. would say)...AWWWW YEAH!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

She is here!

It is a woman's prerogative to be fashionably late, and my lady is no exception.

Finally the M3C female Mego style body has been completed.

Click here to go to the M3 page and click on M3C to see her. There's also a Quicktime 360 view!

My lady awaits your review....

Thursday, July 12, 2007


By this weekend, she will be here.

Years in the making, a solution to many a Mego custom issue.

Stay Tuned.....

Friday, April 06, 2007

New Updates!

Hello all!

Just a quick recap on the goings on here at Project:Custom

- ToyFare 117 is now on the shelves, and it contains not only Immortus & Spider-Man 2009 in the Twisted ToyFare Theater, but also a Customizing 101 written by yours truly! Click the links to check them out!

- The Mego pattern is up and can be snagged here. Sorry for the delay.

- The great display project is well underway! I wanted to focus on 2 types of displays : an urban setting for the Marvel Legends figures and a JLA space station type for the DC Direct figures.

The urban setting was fulfilled by using a 1994 Spawn Alley playset. This 3 tier playset was perfect as it had a small footprint and was built for the 6" figure scale. I picked this up from eBay for a song and it seems to be the best gritty backdrop I could find. I added a couple of lightposts from the Spider-Man Movie figure dioramas and it came together beautifully if I do say so myself!

It took a few days to pose and place the figures, with my focus on having the entire thing filled with a type of frozen kinetic. Kind of like a George Perez group action cover with action figures.

Click on the pictures below to see the results!

The JLA version is still bein constructed, but I am pretty stoked with the preliminary results, including fiber optic light up control panels and mini LCD panel with cycling images / movies! It will be like a Mego playset from the future!

I managed to snag the components that i was looking for (thanks to all who answered the call!)

I only need one final piece : a DC Direct JSA WildCat action figure! If you have one and want to trade / sell, contact me here and let me know!


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Trade Requests + Latest Updates

Hello everybody!

Thanks for your patience between updates. Here is the latest news:

I am in the process of creating a kick-ass figure diorama display that incorporates some of the coolest ideas I can come up with. I want to capture the feeling of the old Mego playsets but with a modern twist. I'm talking mini LCD screens cycling content, LEDs, fiber optics, THE WORKS. Now there are a few pieces that I need to begin kit bashing the project:
  • The Art Asylum Deluxe Star Trek Enterprise figures came with some computer consoles that I am dying to get my hands on. They've been out of circulation for some time, and all I am really looking for are the consoles, bases and chairs that were included with them. If need be however, I can take the whole thing. I am looking for the following sets: Mayweather, Reed, T'Pol & Archer.
  • The next item I am needing is also Trek related. Playmates put out the Star Trek: TNG Bridge Playset around 1994 and I want to score one. The condition doesn't really matter too much as long as the raw panel materials are there. I need it to be as complete as possible.

This could be the opportune time for you to score some custom materials, perhaps even get one of the M3A / B / or C bodies before anyone else! I also have quite an extensive stockpile of Famous Covers figures of all sizes that can go to a loving home! Email me here and let's talk turkey!


  • Added some more files to the TTT section!
  • New customs added : Immortus & Spider-Man 2099
  • New classic Mego 1 piece pattern added to the pattern files

Check back soon when I reveal the latest in display stand tech : The Magna-Base!

